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Capital Projects

Meeting our Mombasa sister schools' primary, specific needs

Capital Projects: Programs

Learning Resource Center, Kinango

The foundation is laid, June 2009

When George Hofbauer, the principal of St. Joseph Seattle, asked his counterpart at St. Joseph Kinango what was first on the school's wishlist, the answer came back: A library! And not just a space for books and study, but a secure building protected from the elements where students could safely use technology. The foundation was laid in June 2009, and now the George Hofbauer Learning Resource Center and Computer Lab welcomes a steady stream of students and faculty.


Kitchen for St. Michael's Secondary School

Dedication, June 2016

St. Mary's Secondary School in Giriama struggled to serve their students with rudimentary cooking facilities. Holy Names raised funds in honor of community member Jan Battles to build a new kitchen that will serve St. Michael's students for years to come.

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Girls dormitory, Ndavaya Primary

Renovation completed, May 2019

The girls dormitory at Ndavaya Primary was in severe disrepair. The roof leaked rainwater onto the students as they slept, and the beds were just shy of collapse. St. Francis in Burien took up the challenge, raising over $4000 to completely renovate the dorm, providing the 2 dozen girls who live there with a safe, secure, and comfortable home.

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A Well for Ndavaya

Fresh, safe drinking water for the entire community

The drilling of a water well has significant educational, as well as health, benefits to a school and the local community. Water is often scarce in the Kenyan countryside, and a source of clean water can be miles away. Drilling a well for a school community enables young women to attend school rather than spending significant parts each day walking to a local water source.

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